What is Biodiversity Net Gain?

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach to development, and/or land management, that aims to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state than it was beforehand. It uses a metric based approach to predict the net change in biodiversity value that will occur as a result of development, or a change in land use. The requirement to deliver 10% BNG is mandated through the Environment Act (2021).

From 12th February 2024, all new planning applications for major development (subject to the specified exemptions) are required to deliver a minimum of 10% gain.

BNG for small sites had an extended transition period and BNG applied to small sites from the 2nd April 2024.

What Is BNG

Biodiversity Net Gain in Kent and Medway

There is a commitment across the county to develop a shared and consistent approach to BNG. Kent’s LPAs (including the unitary authority of Medway) have jointly funded the development of guidance and resources to inform BNG delivery. This joined up approach is being supported and coordinated by Kent County Council (KCC), who are hosting the Kent Biodiversity Officer post.  As part of the ongoing programme of support a number of  resources have been produced, with additional guidance to be published when available.

BNG Guidance for Kent and Medway has been produced to support applicants and decision makers in implementing BNG. Some of this guidance sets out specific guidelines for implementation in Kent and Medway and other aspects summarise and signpost to the national guidance.

Biodiversity Net Gain guidance for Kent and Medway

National Biodiversity Net Gain guidance

Kent’s approach to BNG must be informed by and in accordance with nationally published legislation and guidance. National guidance is available for land managers, developers, and local planning authorities.

DEFRAs guidance on Biodiversity Net Gain

Resources to support delivery of biodiversity net gain in Kent and Medway

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Kent Biodiversity Net Gain Site Register

    The Kent Biodiversity Net Gain Site Register has been developed to: Provide evidence of the potential supply of  ‘off-site’ biodiversity units. Provide evidence…

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Interim Strategic Significance Guidance for Biodiversity Net Gain in Kent and Medway

This BNG Guidance Note has been developed to help planning applicants and potential Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) offset providers complete the strategic significance multiplier elements…

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Biodiversity Gain Statement for Kent and Medway

This Biodiversity Gain Statement has been developed to guide applicants through the information requirements for biodiversity net gain. It is recommended that this Statement is…

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Defining significant on-site habitat for Kent and Medway

The need to secure “significant on-site gains” is set out within legislation and national guidance for BNG. DEFRA have published guidance which includes examples of…