Defining significant on-site habitat for Kent and Medway
The need to secure “significant on-site gains” is set out within legislation and national guidance for BNG. DEFRA have published guidance which includes examples of what could be considered as “significant on-site biodiversity gains”. As this national guidance provides a very broad definition, this guidance has been developed to provide Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) and planning applicants with a consistent approach for defining “significant on-site habitat” in Kent and Medway.
This guidance recommends criteria for defining what is considered to be “significant on-site habitat” in Kent and Medway, outlining when the relevant planning authority is likely to expect such habitats to be maintained and monitored (with monitoring reports submitted periodically to the LPA) for a period of at least 30 years.
Alternative, simplified criteria are suggested for use for sites which qualify for use of the Small Sites Metric (SSM). These criteria for use with sites qualifying for use of the SSM can be applied even when the statutory version of the metric is used. To avoid confusion, it is recommended that applicants submit supporting text to demonstrate why the scheme qualifies for using the SSM.
These criteria are provided as guidance for Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) and planning applicants, recognising that site specific circumstances and the local context may on occasion require a different approach.