Stakeholder input to the development of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy was critical to its success.  We wanted a strategy that was informed by your priorities for nature and built on the data, information and knowledge you hold.  As a result we created a shared strategy that presents a plan for joined-up action to recover our county’s nature.

The project brought together groups of stakeholders throughout the project to input and participate.  A Although we were keen to have as many involved from the start, we were conscious that not everyone was be able to do so.  So, we created the following guide to show how the process would work, and allow stakeholders to decide when and how they wanted to get involved.

Who To Influence

And what did we mean by stakeholder?  If you’re involved in, interested by or affected by nature recovery – you’re a stakeholder.  For more information on who we wanted to be involved in the development of the nature recovery strategy, see who we worked with.

See below for details of reports from our various engagement activities on this page.

Where You Were Able to Input

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Map your Actions for Nature

The Making Space for Nature project wants to identify all the excellent action for nature that has already taken place, and is currently underway, in…

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Give us your thoughts on our priorities shortlisting approach – FEEDBACK NOW CLOSED

The Making Space for Nature project has been working with stakeholders to create a longlist of priorities, taken from: A series of stakeholder workshops throughout February. Supporting…

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Workshops and other events

Workshops The project hosted a number of workshops across the year to ensure we could get input from all stakeholders: Pressures and priorities workshops –…

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Contribute to our latest online survey

Our survey on the Priorities for Nature Recovery in Kent and Medway is now closed – thanks to all who took part, we had a…

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Self-led workshops

If you’re unable to attend one of our workshops but would really like to et your teeth into the process, you can organise a group…

Thank you for your input - here's what you told us

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Workshop Reports

Here you can find reports from our  workshops. For the Pressures and Priorities workshop, you will find the finalised longlists, which detail all the pressures…

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Online survey reports

Reports from our latest online survey will be published next month.

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Action for nature map – NOW CLOSED

The results of your mapping action for nature will be published here in April.

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Reports on other project engagement

Feedback from other engagement we’ve run with stakeholders during the project.

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