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Haven’t been able to get to a workshop – you can still get involved!

7 February 2024

There’s still one workshop of the pressures and priorities series left – its on 20th February at West Malling – see West Malling Pressures & Priorities workshop

If you can’t make it to this first series of workshops, there are other ways you can get involved.

Firstly, you can take our survey – this provides us with really valuable data that will inform the Local Nature Recovery Strategy – it’s quick and straightforward and you can find it here:

But if you really want to get your teeth into the process, you can organise a group session and conduct your own self-led workshop. This follows the same format as our workshops around the county, and means you can input your priorities for nature recovery in detail.  To receive a self-led workshop pack, email us at  All you have to do then is stock up on the tea and biscuits, and get cracking!

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