Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs – An Overview of the LNRS
What is an LNRS? Local Nature Recovery Strategies have been created under the 2021 Environment Act and are a system of spatial strategies for nature…

FAQs – Landowners, Land Managers, Farmers, Growers and Producers
How will landowners, land managers, farmers, growers and producers be involved, and how much time will you be expected to contribute? Landowners, farmers, growers and…

FAQs – Public Authorities and Planning
How are Kent’s planning authorities involved in the development of the LNRS? The LNRS Regulations identify the county’s district and borough councils, Medway Council and…

FAQs – Community Groups and Conservation Groups
How will the LNRS benefit community groups? We recognise the valuable work carried out by community groups, often working in a voluntary capacity, to protect…