Introduction to the Local Nature Recovery Strategy

The Kent & Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) has now finished its development process, and a draft version is out for public consultation.   The process of developing the LNRS included:

  • Agreeing priorities for nature’s recovery.
  • Mapping the most valuable existing areas for nature.
  • Mapping specific proposals for creating or improving habitat for nature and wider environmental goals.

The Strategy not only includes actions for nature recovery, but also identifies where nature-based solutions can and should be delivered – where we work with nature to address societal challenges.  As such, the Strategy seeks to join up work and enable multiple benefits to be realised.

The purpose of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy is to:

  • Identify locations where the creation or improvement of habitat is most likely to provide the greatest benefit for nature and the wider environment.
  • Support the delivery of mandatory biodiversity net gain, by identifying where delivery under this new policy will have the most impact.
  • Provide an important source of evidence for local planning authorities to use in the preparation of their Local Plans.
  • Encourage land owners, farmers and managers to take action to support nature recovery.
  • Channel investment into local priorities for the protection and enhancement of nature.

Kent County Council was appointed as the Responsible Authority for the development of the Kent and Medway LNRS.  However, Responsible Authorities are not solely responsible for delivering the Strategy – it is a shared effort with public, private and voluntary sector partners all playing a role. Development of the LNRS has been evidence-based, locally led and collaborative, and followed statutory guidance and LNRS regulations.

Our local nature recovery strategy is one of 48 – collectively these strategies will cover the whole of England, with no gaps or overlaps, to deliver the government’s commitment to ending the decline of nature and support its recovery.

LNRS Process Defra 2023


See Making Space for Nature Video Webinars and Presentations for introductions from the project team on the development of the LNRS for Kent and Medway.

Local Nature Recovery Strategy development stages

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What we have – mapping existing areas of importance

In the first step, existing areas that are of particular importance for biodiversity were mapped.  What could be mapped at this stage was strictly defined…

Yellow Wagtail By Jim Higham Aspect Ratio 760 400

Our Nature – Strategy Area Description

The purpose of the strategy area description is to inform the nature recovery priorities for the county by understanding our natural resources in the context…

Heath Fritillarys By Jim Higham Aspect Ratio 760 400

Defining our Priorities and Action for Nature Recovery

The Strategy’s  “statement of biodiversity priorities” sets out the priorities, in terms of habitats and species, for recovering or enhancing biodiversity, and considers the contribution…

Barn Owl In Flight By Jim Higham Aspect Ratio 760 400

What we want – mapping areas of opportunity

Identifying locations to recover or enhance nature is the local nature recovery strategy’s main purpose – so this final stage of the strategy development was…

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Consultation and publication

Before the draft Strategy went to public consultation, it first had to be shared with the Supporting Authorities (the county’s local authorities and Natural England)…

Indicative project milestone timeline

Jan 2024

Milestone 1 - map Areas of Particular Importance for Biodiversity

See more detail on the mapping of Areas of Particular Importance for Biodiversity

Mar 2024

Milestone 3 - describe the strategy area, its biodiversity and opportunities for nature recovery

See more detail on the strategy area description production

Apr 2024

Milestone 2 - map areas where nature recovery action has been taken

See more detail on the mapping of nature recovery action

Aug 2024

Milestone 4 - agree LNRS priorities and identify potential measures

See more detail on establishing the LNRS priorities and potential measures

Nov 2024

Milestone 5 - map areas that could become of particular importance for biodiversity (ACIB)

See more detail on the mapping of Areas that Could become of Importance for Biodiversity

Jun 2025

Milestone 6 - consultation and publication

See more detail on the LNRS process for consultation and publication 

Meet the team

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Liz Milne

Project Manager

Liz has been at Kent County Council for 20 years, managing the Natural Environment & Coast Team for the past 15.  Liz was responsible for the development of the Kent Biodiversity Strategy, KCC’s Pollinator Action Plan (Plan Bee) and the Kent Tree Establishment Strategy (PLan Tree).  Liz is responsible for the project management, and ensuring delivery of the Kent and Medway Nature Recovery Strategy by spring/summer 2025.

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Chris Drake

Project Officer

Chris has been at Kent County Council for 15 years, starting as Coastal Officer and now as Partnership and Projects Officer, co-ordinating the Kent Nature Partnership (KNP).  Chris brings to the project extensive partnership working experience and excellent working relationships with many of key stakeholders.  Chris is the Project Officer, ensuring the KNP and wider stakeholders are fully engage across the work.

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Rachel Boot

Project Support Officer

After a lifelong interest and connection to nature and environmentalism, Rachel is currently studying for a Masters in Sustainable Food and Natural Resources.  Alongside her passion for nature, Rachels brings to the team experience in local community projects from her hometown of Margate.  Rachel will provide support across the work of the whole project team but will particularly focus on our communications and wider engagement work

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Alexa Murray Mujtaba

Landowner Officer

Alexa brings to the team experience of working closely with farmer clusters and leading a Defra Test & Trial exploring Natural Capital and Blended Finance, enabling farmers to influence the development of the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS). Drawing on over 20 years of implementing new policies and frameworks in the public and private sector, Alexa  leads on the land management elements of the project and be responsible for ensuring there is meaningful engagement with this important stakeholder group.

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Katie Pattison

Local Government Officer

Katie comes to the project with a background in the management of country parks and greenspaces throughout Medway.  Katie leads work with Kent & Medway’s local planning authorities, ensuring these supporting authorities are involved throughout and that the strategy provides, as intended, a vital source of evidence for local planning and decision making.

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Louise Lawton

Coastal and Marine Officer

Louise has a background working on various coastal sites around Kent, primarily in engagement type roles.  Louise will lead on the development of the coastal and marine elements of the Making Space for Nature project, ensuring that priority areas and actions to recover coastal and marine biodiversity are identified in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.

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Cleo Alper

River and Freshwater Officer (secondment)

Cleo is seconded from the South East Rivers Trust. She leads on the development of the river and freshwater  elements of the project, ensuring that priority areas and actions to recover river and freshwater biodiversity are identified in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.

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Grace Olsson

LNRS Senior Advisor, Natural England

Natural England are a Supporting Authority for all of the LNRS’s around the Country and provide a conduit to advice from DEFRA, the Environment Agency and the Forestry Commission. Natural England have provided two Senior Advisors to support and advise Kent County Council with the LNRS process.

Grace has been working on the West Sussex Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Natural England for the last six months, having come from a background in people and project management. She graduated from Sussex university with a QLD in Law and Politics in 2019, where she specialised in international environmental law. Grace is deeply committed to environmental protection and sustainability, and she looks forward to contributing to the recovery of nature through targeted, coordinated, and collaborative action within the Kent LNRS.

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Lyndsey Neale

LNRS Senior Advisor, Natural England

Lyndsey has been working for Natural England for the last two years, focussing on supporting the LNRS for East Sussex (and Brighton and Hove). Prior to this, she worked as an environmental adviser in the construction industry. Lyndsey is very excited to be supporting with the production of the Local Nature Recovery Strategies as she is passionate about the need for nature recovery, and wants to take proactive steps towards this goal.

Regulations and further guidance

Statutory guidance for Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Published in March 2023 this is the government guidance that the project will be referring to in drawing together the Kent and Medway Nature Recovery Strategy by May 2025.

Follow link toStatutory guidance for Local Nature Recovery Strategy

The Environment (Local Nature Recovery Strategies) (Procedure) Regulations 2023

Follow link toThe Environment (Local Nature Recovery Strategies) (Procedure) Regulations 2023