Defining Our Priorities and Actions for Species Recovery
Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) must describe opportunities, set priorities, and propose potential measures for the recovery and enhancement of species. The approach involves two broad stages: identifying threatened and other locally significant species relevant to the strategy area, and determining which of these species should be prioritised for recovery action.
This work was overseen by a Species Recovery Technical Advisory Group, comprising the county’s species specialists and county recorders.
Species Recovery within Local Nature Recovery Strategies – August 2023

LNRS Species Guidance – Threatened Bird Declines

Background Information
Kent Biodiversity Strategy
The Kent Biodiversity Strategy, published in 2020, habitats that are thriving with wildlife and plants, ensuring the natural environment regain and retain good health. It provides a collaboratively developed, peer reviewed and publicly consulted set of priorities for the county's biodiversity that can be used as a starting point for discussion and an evidence base for the strategy area description.

State of Nature in Kent
This landmark report is available here and features over sixty contributors across seven chapters. It will be used to inform development of the Kent and Medway Nature Recovery Strategy.