Defining our Priorities and Action for Nature Recovery
The Strategy’s “statement of biodiversity priorities” sets out the priorities, in terms of habitats and species, for recovering or enhancing biodiversity, and considers the contribution that this may also make to addressing wider environmental issues with nature-based solutions.
In addition to identifying the county’s priorities for nature recovery and enhancement, the project also defines the potential practical actions necessary to progress towards achievement of the priorities.
This was an important stage of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy preparation, as it establishes what the strategy seeks to achieve and the potential measures needed to support the ambitions. Whilst working with partners and stakeholders was important to the whole process, it was during this part of the project that we especially wanted meaningful engagement with stakeholders, as these will be the delivery partners for the Strategy’s priorities and actions. We also wanted to ensure that the priorities reflect what’s most important to the people and organisations in Kent – to ensure it really is a LOCAL Nature Recovery Strategy, reflected our local nature and environmental needs.
Where are we up to?
The full draft LNRS is now available to view, with the Priorities and Potential Measures in Part 2. We invite comments and feedback as part of our public consultation questionnaire
Draft Kent and Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy
Reports of the workshops and process that informed the draft Priorities and Potential measures can be viewed following the links below:
MS4N Kent and Medway LNRS Priorities shortlisting workshops report July 2024
MS4N Kent and Medway LNRS Priorities shortlisting workshops voting report July 2024
MS4N Priorities shortlisting workshops attendance report June-24
MS4N – Redrafted Kent and Medway LNRS priorities report July 2024
MS4N LNRS potential measures workshops report July 2024
MS4N Potential measures workshops attendance report June-24
A quick reminder of how we got to here:
- Pressures and priorities stakeholder workshops, January and February 2024, developing priorities long list.
- Application of shortlisting criteria to priorities long list.
- Publication of draft priorities shortlist, April 2024.
- Priorities shortlisting and potential measures stakeholder workshops, May 2024.
Outputs from all stages of this work can be found at the bottom of the page, under background information. Workshop reports are available from our Get Involved section of the website.
Indicative work timeline
Background information
Draft priorities shortlist for Kent and Medway LNRS Apr-24 (amended 26.04.24)

Creating the Kent and Medway LNRS Draft Priorities Shortlist – What Was Our Process?

MS4N Priorities Shortlisting Approach – Revised following Feedback

MS4N – examples of potential measures for the LNRS

MS4N Pressures and Priorities Workshops – Part 2 Priorities