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Our Nature – Strategy Area Description

The purpose of the strategy area description is to inform the nature recovery priorities for the county by understanding our natural resources in the context of local and national significance, the pressures and challenges within the county and the opportunities for recovery and enhancement that may exist.

To develop the Kent & Medway Strategy area description, we  considered:

  • the breadth of habitats in Kent and Medway and their distribution across the county.
  • habitats of local and national importance and those that support scarce or declining species.
  • changes in the distribution and extent of habitats and those lost, or  at risk of loss, from the county.
  • species, or groups of species, for which the strategy area is, or could feasibly be, of national importance.
  • changes in the distribution and range of species and those lost, or  at risk of loss, from the county.
  • existing, and anticipated, influences on species and habitats, including (but not limited to) the impact of a changing climate, housing and infrastructure pressures, land use changes, invasive/non native species, pests and diseases.
  • opportunities to positively influence species and habitats, as not all influences will have a negative impact.
  • wider environmental issues affecting Kent that the Strategy could help to address.

We identified what nature recovery and enhancement projects and action is already being delivered or planned and any other strategic projects that may provide opportunity or conflict.

In Kent and Medway, we’re fortunate to have a strong evidence base to enhance the national dataset provided for the development of the Strategy – this includes the State of Nature Report, Kent Biodiversity Strategy and Kent Habitat Survey.  But we knew that there is a wealth of other data and expertise in the county that could further strengthen and inform this work, so we looked for input from all partners and stakeholders.


Where are we up to?

We have completed drafting our strategy area description and reviewing local plans and other strategies relevant to the LNRS in Kent and Medway.

You can now view the draft LNRS in full, and take part in our public consultation to give us your thoughts at the link below:

Take Part in the Public Consultation



Indicative work timeline

Nov 2023

Develop action for nature online mapping tool

Develop an online tool that allows stakeholders to map what action they’re undertaking to support nature recovery in the county.

Nov 2023

Evidence collation

Reviewing existing evidence, local plans and strategies and building on this in consultation with partners and stakeholders.

Dec 2023

Develop action for nature online mapping tool

Develop an online tool that allows stakeholders to map what action they’re undertaking to support nature recovery in the county.

Dec 2023

Evidence collation

Reviewing existing evidence, local plans and strategies and building on this in consultation with partners and stakeholders.

Jan 2024

Draft strategy area description outline

Identifying habitats and species; changes, losses and gains; pressures and influences; and wider environmental issues.

Jan 2024

Finalise action for nature online mapping tool

Test and finalise online tool that allows stakeholders to map what action they’re undertaking to support nature recovery in the county.

Feb 2024

Launch action for nature online mapping tool

Begin capturing stakeholders action for nature.

Feb 2024

Finalisation of strategy area description

Identifying habitats and species; changes, losses and gains; pressures and influences; and wider environmental issues.

Mar 2024

Finalisation of strategy area description

Identifying habitats and species; changes, losses and gains; pressures and influences; and wider environmental issues.

Mar 2024

Milestone completion

Strategy area description .

Mar 2024

Stakeholder input to nature online mapping tool

Ongoing input to action for nature online mapping tool.

Apr 2024

Nature recovery action in Kent report

Action for nature map published.

Project outputs

Kent and Medway Strategy Area Description outline

Download PDF (696 KB)

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Background information

State of Nature in Kent

This landmark report is available here and features over sixty contributors across seven chapters. It will be used to inform development of the Kent and Medway Nature Recovery Strategy.

Follow link toState of Nature in Kent

Kent Biodiversity Strategy

The Kent Biodiversity Strategy, published in 2020, habitats that are thriving with wildlife and plants, ensuring the natural environment regain and retain good health. It provides a collaboratively developed, peer reviewed and publicly consulted set of priorities for the county's biodiversity that can be used as a starting point for discussion and an evidence base for the strategy area description.

Follow link toKent Biodiversity Strategy

Kent Habitat Survey 2012

The Kent Habitat Survey provides an assessment of the county's habitat distribution, change and connectivity/fragmentation. Although over 10 years old it still provides an excellent source of information that can be used to inform the Strategy.

Follow link toKent Habitat Survey 2012