Barn Owl In Flight By Jim Higham Aspect Ratio 1200 400

What we want – mapping areas of opportunity

Identifying locations to recover or enhance nature is the local nature recovery strategy’s main purpose – so this final stage of the strategy development is very important.  The project will map with partners the areas which they believe could become of particular importance for biodiversity; or where the recovery or enhancement of biodiversity deliver a nature-based solution to an environmental issue.  These areas will be collectively referred to as ‘areas that could become of particular importance’.   And it is these areas that the county proposes that effort should be concentrated to restore habitat, to achieve the most for biodiversity and the wider environment.

Working with partners and stakeholders, the project will look at feasible locations and select those that would have the greatest impact on the priorities and/or would enable the greatest connectivity across the landscape of the county.

All the work that has been developed in the stages before will also be used to inform this mapping stage.

ACIB Development Image

This mapping element of the strategy development will be of keen interest to those that own and manage land in the county.  If you own or manage land and want to ensure you are involved in this stage of the work, register your interest in the project and let us know when in the strategy development you would like to be involved.

Register your interest to input to the project


Indicative work timeline

Feb 2024

Development of online priorities mapping tool

From February to April, the project will develop an online mapping tool that will enable stakeholders to identify their spatial priorities.

Apr 2024

Online priorities mapping tool finalised

From February to April, the project will develop an online mapping tool that will enable stakeholders to identify their spatial priorities.

May 2024

Development of connectivity models and other mapping refinement tools

Over the spring period, models, mapping layers and other refinement tools will be developed to assist with developing the ACIB.

May 2024

Launch of online priorities mapping tool

Stakeholder mapping exercise, identifying where action should be focused. Opportunity to register priorities through to July.

Aug 2024

Development of initial draft ACIB

Over the summer period, pulling together the stakeholder’s spatial priorities and other models, evidence and refinement tools, the project will develop the initial draft areas that could become of importance for biodiversity (ACIB) map.

Sep 2024

Mapping workshops

Workshops to review and refine the initial draft ACIB map and identify potential conflicts and resolutions.  There will also be direct liaison with landowners and sectors as required.

Oct 2024

Finalisation of ACIB

Including ACIB mapping report, with decisions and justifications and any unresolved matters.

Nov 2024

Milestone completed

Map of areas that could become of particular importance for biodiversity.

Background information

Data standards for LNRS

Download PDF (450 KB)

APIB3 Aspect Ratio 480 320

Mapping potential measures in LNRS

Download PDF (248 KB)

Priorities Mapping Scaled Aspect Ratio 480 320